Last updated: 2021-09-21

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: myTidyTuesday/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    catboost_info/
    Ignored:    data/2021-09-08/
    Ignored:    data/acs_poverty.rds
    Ignored:    data/fmhpi.rds
    Ignored:    data/grainstocks.rds
    Ignored:    data/hike_data.rds
    Ignored:    data/us_states.rds
    Ignored:    data/us_states_hexgrid.geojson
    Ignored:    data/weatherstats_toronto_daily.csv

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  code/work list batch targets.R
    Untracked:  figure/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   code/_common.R

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/CollegeTuitionandDiversity.Rmd) and HTML (docs/CollegeTuitionandDiversity.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 64bbdef opus1993 2021-09-21 add annotations to boxplots
html 69e0901 opus1993 2021-09-21 Build site.
Rmd b37dbc1 opus1993 2021-09-21 adopt confusion matrix autoplot method

TidyTuesday 2020 Week 11

Topic: College tuition, diversity, and salary outcomes

# Get the data

tuition_cost <- readr::read_csv("")

tuition_income <- readr::read_csv("")

salary_potential <- readr::read_csv("")

historical_tuition <- readr::read_csv("")

diversity_school <- readr::read_csv("")

What are the characteristics of schools that enroll and graduate more women?

diversity_gender <- diversity_school %>%
  filter(category == "Women") %>%
  mutate(WomensEnrollment = enrollment / total_enrollment)

diversity_gender %>%
  ggplot(aes(WomensEnrollment)) +
  geom_histogram() +
    title = "US College Enrollment Category: Women's Proportion",
    subtitle = "TidyTuesday 2020 Week 11",
    x = "Women's Enrollment Portion",
    y = "Count of Institutions",
    caption = paste0("Jim Gruman ", Sys.Date())
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent)

[1] 0.586676

How can we understand what drives higher proportions of enrollment of Women?

university_df <- diversity_gender %>%
    diversity = case_when(
      WomensEnrollment > 0.586 ~ "high",
      TRUE ~ "low"
    name, state, total_enrollment
  ) %>%
  inner_join(tuition_cost %>% select(
    name, type, degree_length,
  )) %>%
  inner_join(salary_potential %>% select(name, make_world_better_percent, stem_percent)) %>%
  left_join(tibble(state =, region = state.region)) %>%
  select(-state, -name) %>%
  mutate_if(is.character, factor)

university_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(type, in_state_tuition, fill = diversity)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::dollar_format()) +
  facet_wrap(~region) +
    title = "College Enrollment Category:  High Women's Enrollment",
    subtitle = "by Region: TidyTuesday 2020 Week 11",
    caption = paste0("Jim Gruman ", Sys.Date())

university_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(type, total_enrollment, fill = diversity)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  scale_y_log10() +
    title = "College Enrollment Category:  High Women's Enrollment",
    subtitle = "by Type:  TidyTuesday 2020 Week 11",
    caption = paste0("Jim Gruman ", Sys.Date())
  ) +
  theme(plot.title.position = "plot")

university_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(type, make_world_better_percent / 100, fill = diversity)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
    title = "College Enrollment Category:  Making the World Better",
    subtitle = "Alumni Sentiment: TidyTuesday 2020 Week 11",
    caption = paste0("Jim Gruman ", Sys.Date())
  ) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) +
  theme(plot.title.position = "plot") +
  ylab("Alumni belief in making World Better")

Data summary
Name university_df
Number of rows 640
Number of columns 11
Column type frequency:
factor 4
numeric 7
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
diversity 0 1 FALSE 2 low: 375, hig: 265
type 0 1 FALSE 2 Pri: 398, Pub: 242
degree_length 0 1 FALSE 2 4 Y: 637, 2 Y: 3
region 0 1 FALSE 4 Sou: 257, Nor: 170, Nor: 129, Wes: 84

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
total_enrollment 0 1.00 7557.24 9286.93 90 1869.25 3633 9841.50 60767 ▇▁▁▁▁
in_state_tuition 0 1.00 26780.54 16365.44 4220 10095.50 26746 41130.00 58230 ▇▂▅▃▃
in_state_total 0 1.00 37275.52 18746.72 4258 19664.25 35654 53057.00 75003 ▆▇▅▆▅
out_of_state_tuition 0 1.00 31059.86 12967.12 6570 20894.50 29466 41220.00 58230 ▃▇▆▅▃
out_of_state_total 0 1.00 41554.84 15608.48 6670 29991.00 39114 53166.25 75003 ▂▇▇▅▃
make_world_better_percent 17 0.97 53.58 8.80 34 48.00 52 58.00 94 ▂▇▃▁▁
stem_percent 0 1.00 16.84 15.80 0 7.00 13 22.00 100 ▇▂▁▁▁

Lets build several classification models, starting with pre-processing


uni_split <- initial_split(university_df, strata = diversity)
uni_train <- training(uni_split)
uni_test <- testing(uni_split)

uni_rec <- recipe(diversity ~ ., data = uni_train) %>%
  step_corr(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
  step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>%
  step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%

# The steps taken
Data Recipe


      role #variables
   outcome          1
 predictor         10


Correlation filter on all_numeric_predictors()
Dummy variables from all_nominal_predictors()
Zero variance filter on all_predictors()
Centering and scaling for all_predictors()
# What the data looks like after pre-processing (similar to bake)
uni_rec %>%
  prep() %>%
# A tibble: 479 x 10
   total_enrollment in_state_tuition make_world_better_p~ stem_percent diversity
              <dbl>            <dbl>                <dbl>        <dbl> <fct>    
 1             5.57           -1.23                 0.361      -0.476  high     
 2             3.96            0.281               -0.546      -0.541  high     
 3             2.78           -0.974               -0.773       0.108  high     
 4             2.24           -0.930                0.248      -0.281  high     
 5             2.22           -1.20                 0.135      -0.346  high     
 6             1.85            0.266                0.701      -0.476  high     
 7             1.64           -1.03                -0.773      -0.0866 high     
 8             1.51           -1.05                 0.135      -0.281  high     
 9             1.49           -0.902               -1.34       -0.281  high     
10             1.39           -0.854               -1.34       -0.476  high     
# ... with 469 more rows, and 5 more variables: type_Public <dbl>,
#   degree_length_X4.Year <dbl>, region_South <dbl>,
#   region_North.Central <dbl>, region_West <dbl>

A GLM classification model, with meaningful feature coefficients:

glm_spec <- logistic_reg() %>%

glm_fit <- glm_spec %>%
  fit(diversity ~ ., data = uni_rec %>% prep() %>% juice())

parsnip model object

Fit time:  0ms 

Call:  stats::glm(formula = diversity ~ ., family = stats::binomial, 
    data = data)

              (Intercept)           total_enrollment  
                  0.59108                    0.08980  
         in_state_tuition  make_world_better_percent  
                 -0.31729                   -0.63829  
             stem_percent                type_Public  
                  1.46952                   -0.12649  
    degree_length_X4.Year               region_South  
                 -0.03581                    0.02456  
     region_North.Central                region_West  
                  0.32557                    0.18007  

Degrees of Freedom: 466 Total (i.e. Null);  457 Residual
  (12 observations deleted due to missingness)
Null Deviance:      633.3 
Residual Deviance: 498.3    AIC: 518.3

A k-nearest neighbors model

knn_spec <- nearest_neighbor() %>%
  set_engine("kknn") %>%

knn_fit <- knn_spec %>%
  fit(diversity ~ ., data = uni_rec %>% prep() %>% juice())

parsnip model object

Fit time:  10ms 

kknn::train.kknn(formula = diversity ~ ., data = data, ks = min_rows(5,     data, 5))

Type of response variable: nominal
Minimal misclassification: 0.2933619
Best kernel: optimal
Best k: 5

An a decision tree model, with explainable branching. It is interesting to note here that the first split is on stem_percent.

tree_spec <- decision_tree() %>%
  set_engine("rpart") %>%

tree_fit <- tree_spec %>%
  fit(diversity ~ ., data = uni_rec %>% prep() %>% juice())

parsnip model object

Fit time:  0ms 
n= 479 

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
      * denotes terminal node

  1) root 479 198 low (0.4133612 0.5866388)  
    2) stem_percent< -0.1839889 264 107 high (0.5946970 0.4053030)  
      4) make_world_better_percent>=0.6447266 92  20 high (0.7826087 0.2173913)  
        8) total_enrollment>=-0.7106039 76  11 high (0.8552632 0.1447368) *
        9) total_enrollment< -0.7106039 16   7 low (0.4375000 0.5625000) *
      5) make_world_better_percent< 0.6447266 172  85 low (0.4941860 0.5058140)  
       10) stem_percent< -0.638438 51  18 high (0.6470588 0.3529412)  
         20) in_state_tuition>=-0.3271469 32   7 high (0.7812500 0.2187500) *
         21) in_state_tuition< -0.3271469 19   8 low (0.4210526 0.5789474) *
       11) stem_percent>=-0.638438 121  52 low (0.4297521 0.5702479)  
         22) total_enrollment>=-0.4352007 85  42 high (0.5058824 0.4941176)  
           44) make_world_better_percent>=0.07781393 30   8 high (0.7333333 0.2666667) *
           45) make_world_better_percent< 0.07781393 55  21 low (0.3818182 0.6181818)  
             90) stem_percent< -0.4436741 28  13 high (0.5357143 0.4642857)  
              180) in_state_tuition>=-1.057991 18   5 high (0.7222222 0.2777778) *
              181) in_state_tuition< -1.057991 10   2 low (0.2000000 0.8000000) *
             91) stem_percent>=-0.4436741 27   6 low (0.2222222 0.7777778) *
         23) total_enrollment< -0.4352007 36   9 low (0.2500000 0.7500000)  
           46) in_state_tuition< -1.142588 7   2 high (0.7142857 0.2857143) *
           47) in_state_tuition>=-1.142588 29   4 low (0.1379310 0.8620690) *
    3) stem_percent>=-0.1839889 215  41 low (0.1906977 0.8093023) *

To measure each model, resampling is a best practice to simulate how well model performs when exposed to new data. For classification problems, the metrics available include roc_auc, sensitivity, and specificity

Evaluate models with resampling —–

We will create 10-cross validation sets

folds <- vfold_cv(uni_train, strata = diversity)

all_cores <- parallelly::availableCores(omit = 1)
future::plan("multisession", workers = all_cores) # on Windows

glm_rs <-
  workflow(uni_rec, glm_spec) %>%
    metrics = metric_set(roc_auc),
    control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE)

knn_rs <-
  workflow(uni_rec, knn_spec) %>%
    metrics = metric_set(roc_auc),
    control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE)

tree_rs <- workflow(uni_rec, tree_spec) %>%
    metrics = metric_set(roc_auc),
    control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE)

At a quick glance, the mean roc_auc is highest with the glm approach.

glm_rs %>%
  collect_metrics() %>%
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
roc_auc binary 0.7811998 10 0.0138634 Preprocessor1_Model1
knn_rs %>%
  collect_metrics() %>%
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
roc_auc binary 0.7583371 4 0.0207415 Preprocessor1_Model1
tree_rs %>%
  collect_metrics() %>%
.metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
roc_auc binary 0.7199981 10 0.0256697 Preprocessor1_Model1

A clearer comparison of ROC curves:

glm_rs %>%
  unnest(.predictions) %>%
  mutate(model = "glm") %>%
  bind_rows(tree_rs %>%
    unnest(.predictions) %>%
    mutate(model = "tree")) %>%
  bind_rows(knn_rs %>%
    unnest(.predictions) %>%
    mutate(model = "knn")) %>%
  group_by(model) %>%
  roc_curve(diversity, .pred_high) %>%

So, choosing the glm technique, let’s have a look at the predictions with testing data.

glm_fit %>%
    new_data = bake(uni_rec %>% prep(), new_data = uni_test),
    type = "prob"
  ) %>%
  mutate(truth = uni_test$diversity) %>%
  roc_auc(truth, .pred_high) %>%
.metric .estimator .estimate
roc_auc binary 0.8077768
glm_fit %>%
    new_data = bake(uni_rec %>% prep(), new_data = uni_test),
    type = "class"
  ) %>%
  mutate(truth = uni_test$diversity) %>%
  conf_mat(truth, .pred_class) %>%
  autoplot() +
  theme_jim(base_size = 18) +
    title = "Confusion Matrix of GLM model on holdout test data",
    subtitle = "College Tuition and Diversity, where Women's Enrollment > 58.6%"


Julia Silge’s blog

Meghan Hall’s blog

R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19043)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] rpart_4.1-15       kknn_1.3.1         vctrs_0.3.8        rlang_0.4.11      
 [5] forcats_0.5.1      stringr_1.4.0      readr_2.0.1        tidyverse_1.3.1   
 [9] yardstick_0.0.8    workflowsets_0.1.0 workflows_0.2.3    tune_0.1.6        
[13] tidyr_1.1.3        tibble_3.1.4       rsample_0.1.0      recipes_0.1.16    
[17] purrr_0.3.4        parsnip_0.1.7.900  modeldata_0.1.1    infer_1.0.0       
[21] ggplot2_3.3.5      dplyr_1.0.7        dials_0.0.10       scales_1.1.1      
[25] broom_0.7.9        tidymodels_0.1.3   workflowr_1.6.2   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] readxl_1.3.1       backports_1.2.1    systemfonts_1.0.2 
  [4] igraph_1.2.6       plyr_1.8.6         repr_1.1.3        
  [7] splines_4.1.1      listenv_0.8.0      digest_0.6.27     
 [10] foreach_1.5.1      htmltools_0.5.2    viridis_0.6.1     
 [13] fansi_0.5.0        magrittr_2.0.1     tzdb_0.1.2        
 [16] globals_0.14.0     modelr_0.1.8       gower_0.2.2       
 [19] extrafont_0.17     R.utils_2.10.1     vroom_1.5.5       
 [22] extrafontdb_1.0    hardhat_0.1.6      prettyunits_1.1.1 
 [25] colorspace_2.0-2   skimr_2.1.3        rvest_1.0.1       
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 [31] prismatic_1.0.0    crayon_1.4.1       jsonlite_1.7.2    
 [34] survival_3.2-11    iterators_1.0.13   glue_1.4.2        
 [37] gtable_0.3.0       ipred_0.9-12       R.cache_0.15.0    
 [40] Rttf2pt1_1.3.9     future.apply_1.8.1 DBI_1.1.1         
 [43] Rcpp_1.0.7         viridisLite_0.4.0  bit_4.0.4         
 [46] GPfit_1.0-8        lava_1.6.10        prodlim_2019.11.13
 [49] httr_1.4.2         ellipsis_0.3.2     farver_2.1.0      
 [52] pkgconfig_2.0.3    R.methodsS3_1.8.1  nnet_7.3-16       
 [55] sass_0.4.0         dbplyr_2.1.1       utf8_1.2.2        
 [58] here_1.0.1         labeling_0.4.2     tidyselect_1.1.1  
 [61] DiceDesign_1.9     later_1.3.0        munsell_0.5.0     
 [64] cellranger_1.1.0   tools_4.1.1        cachem_1.0.6      
 [67] cli_3.0.1          generics_0.1.0     evaluate_0.14     
 [70] fastmap_1.1.0      yaml_2.2.1         ragg_1.1.3        
 [73] rematch2_2.1.2     knitr_1.34         bit64_4.0.5       
 [76] fs_1.5.0           future_1.22.1      whisker_0.4       
 [79] R.oo_1.24.0        xml2_1.3.2         compiler_4.1.1    
 [82] rstudioapi_0.13    curl_4.3.2         reprex_2.0.1      
 [85] lhs_1.1.3          bslib_0.3.0        stringi_1.7.4     
 [88] highr_0.9          gdtools_0.2.3      hrbrthemes_0.8.0  
 [91] lattice_0.20-44    Matrix_1.3-4       styler_1.6.1      
 [94] conflicted_1.0.4   pillar_1.6.2       lifecycle_1.0.0   
 [97] furrr_0.2.3        jquerylib_0.1.4    httpuv_1.6.3      
[100] R6_2.5.1           promises_1.2.0.1   gridExtra_2.3     
[103] parallelly_1.28.1  codetools_0.2-18   MASS_7.3-54       
[106] assertthat_0.2.1   rprojroot_2.0.2    withr_2.4.2       
[109] parallel_4.1.1     hms_1.1.0          grid_4.1.1        
[112] timeDate_3043.102  class_7.3-19       rmarkdown_2.11    
[115] git2r_0.28.0       pROC_1.18.0        base64enc_0.1-3   
[118] lubridate_1.7.10